Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's Sad How Corrupt Huntsville Utilities Is!!!

A little local issue has come to my attention and I feel a need to rant about it. This issue is with Huntsville Utilities.  Huntsville Utilities needs some work. Their customer service is SERIOUSLY lacking.

Here is some interesting little things I learned about Huntsville Utilities.

(Mind you, I do not claim to be a very intelligent person. But if I noticed how ridiculous this is why isn't everyone else seeing it as well and why isn't anyone DOING anything about it?!)

So..first...a little confession..I was late on my bill. Okay, I admitted it.  I'm not particularly proud of it in ANY way but it happened.  I have the world's worst memory.  I didn't write it down.  I got caught up in life like sometimes happens to people and well...I just forgot and it's done and there's nothing I can do about it now. But it caused this problem to be brought to my attention.

For those who live in Huntsville did you know that if you are late on your bill, instead of like it was in the old days when they sent you a late notice and maybe charged a late fee, they send someone to your house now? Not only do they send someone out (often more than once) to place a lovely little note on your door reminding you that you are late BUT they also charge you $40 for each trip! Not to mention they don't send someone out and then a few weeks later send someone again if it's not paid. Nope, they send someone out and then just a day or so later send someone AGAIN.

 I contacted them letting them know that I had two $40 charges on my account for a "trip fee". Which I had absolutely no idea what that even was to be honest. I was told by the ever so sweet (that's sarcasm...the girl wasn't rude but she pretty much told me that was the way it is and I could just get over it because there was nothing I could do about it. I'M NOT KIDDING! She seriously insinuated that was how it is and asking for it to be reviewed was a waste of time.) I never received these two lovely little $40 door hangers.  Believe me if I did receive them I wouldn't stoop so low as to publicly announce that I had forgotten to pay my bill.  I would hang my head in embarrassment, like anyone with sense would do, and sheepishly hurry off to pay my bill.  I told her that I never received my personally delivered late notice and she informed me that they have tattlers on their trucks and she knew exactly what time the utility personnel was out there.  Well,...that's fine and dandy that you know he was there what my question is, "Where is the proof that he gave me my $40 hanger?"  For that price I should have it framed or something. For that matter, for that price I should have to have signed off on it or something right?  I mean I have to sign off for FedEx to drop off a $3 Mickey Mouse sticker for my car. All joking aside though, how does this even make any sense?! How is this practice actually practical or economical for Huntsville Utilities and it's clientele in any way?

It was my understanding that a piece of paper, some ink, a stamp, and an envelope all still cost under $2. They have machines that fold and seal the bills so I assume no additional employees would be needed for that lovely little job. So Huntsville Utilities is saying that it costs $40 to send someone to my home to "leave" a note on my door and that THAT is a more practical, economical, and ecologically sound idea than to..oh, say...mail me a late notice?!   Save the trees! Use up that ever so free-flowing fossil fuel!!! If you can even call that saving the trees. Maybe if they left the cute little color leaflet they put in with every bill they send me, informing me to friend them on Facebook and of what an awesome company they are, out they just might would be able to send that late notice without any new expenses to add to their FOREVER messed up expense reports or my own personal bill.

Why don't we have an opt out choice for this anyway? I read up on the BBB and it seems that most people who have had utility employees come out to their home felt they were being harassed instead of "helped". I personally never saw anyone.  Maybe this is why I never got my hanger.  Maybe you have to be home to get solid proof of a visit.  I don't know.  If I had received that first visit though and if I had been informed they charge $40 to come out I would ask the employee not to come again. I can't afford $80 for two visits.  I don't know anyone who can. Those who don't pay because they just can't afford it wouldn't have ANOTHER $40 anyway. This was not the case for me. I could have paid my bill. I just forgot about it and never got that first little hanger notice. If I had gotten it, common sense would tell anyone that a mad sprint would be underway to avoid any more unnecessary charges. But, apparently, Huntsville Utilities can charge people for a service that they cannot verify they provided other than to say the vehicle stopped at said person's home. Personally, I want to see the carbon-copy of the notice he placed on my door.  Then I would be grudgingly satisfied with the FIRST charge.  But they can't provide me with that, yet I'm expected to pay for it. 

Two visits is just ridiculous and is extortion-ism.

On their website Huntsville Utilities states the following, "Due to our common goal of outstanding customer service and cost savings, Huntsville Utilities has also worked with most of the Madison County Water Systems, the City and County Sanitation Departments and the City Water Pollution Control Department to provide our customers with a single bill each month. By sharing in this billing, we all save on postage, paper, payroll, benefits, computers, vehicles and insurance while giving the customer the convenience of one stop service and a single monthly bill. As a “Public Utility” we answer only to the people we serve. Decisions are not influenced by the effects on our stock prices, but are based on what is best for our customers."

Phfew!!! I'm so glad that by only sending one little piece of paper you are able to save the City and County SOOO much money. (Don't get me wrong. I'm all for EVERYONE saving money.  Even the government.) But like I said before, gas, vehicles, employees, OH, and that PAPER door hanger that's all cheap right?

Let's also look at other businesses. You are allowed to opt-out of the $25 or so over-draft privilege at most banks. Huntsville Utilities is claiming this "trip fee" is a privilege. Shouldn't it be the same? Shouldn't customers be allowed to opt out? And what happened to old fashioned late fees? Even doctors offices somehow manage to afford to do that. Usually they send MULTIPLE LETTERS before going to collections. Late fees I've seen spoken of usually ranged between $10 and $25 at the MOST. I've heard of doctor's offices and credit cards going nearly a year before going to collections too. No late fees for Huntsville Utilities.  They'll just charge you $40 per reminder and go straight to cutting you off and stiffing you with that $95 reconnection fee. Huntsville Utilities has combined their bill, late notice, and letter of disconnect into one lovely very customer-friendly piece also... No joke.... The FIRST bill they send you, your monthly bill states very clearly on it, "***FINAL NOTICE***...This is to notify you that it may be necessary to discontinue your utility service as of (blah blah date) unless prompt payment of this made before this date." And it ends with "No further notice will be provided." In lovely bold lettering. Wow! If I had any other choice this bill alone would inform me this company doesn't give a squat about even being polite! Given a choice I'd take my business elsewhere! Alas, Huntsville Utilities like so many other areas is a monopoly and somehow in this context I'm assuming that it's legal. Regardless, it's the way it is. 

Oh, and did I fail to mention the bill they send lists your cut-off date as less than a week after the due date listed.  This month's bill for me lists the cut-off date as only 4 days after it is due.  Way to really show you care with that grace period Huntsville Utilities!!!

It's a sad sad world when companies, or people for that matter, see it as just and acceptable to behave this way.  They claim to care but I just don't see it. It makes me sad and very angry.  I wish someone would do something about all this.  It's just wrong...why don't more people see it.  Why won't someone who CAN do something speak up and do it?

1 comment:

  1. You are so abosuletely right, where is the outrage, they are robbing the public, the system is set up to make money on reconnect fees
